Monday, October 26, 2009

Random funny things so far:

Cowpiss: There is a popular sports drink called calpis which when pronounced sounds like cowpiss....

Hospital: I have confused a few Japanese people when telling them I need to go to the Board of Education or BOE for short. BOE sounds like the Japanese word for hospital (biyouin).

Foodo: The food over here is great with a few notable exceptions: Natto (fermented soy beans) and breakfast in general. Rice for breakfast is ok, but miso soup and large mushrooms and tomato (severed to eat like an apple or pear) is not what I want to eat 10 minutes after I roll out of bed.

Police: The police cars here have lights that are always on. This is quite nice, since it makes them unable to sneak up on you or catch you otherwise unaware. I'm not sure how they pull people over though....

Garbage sorting: The garbage and recycling here suuucks! Everything has its own separate pick-up day, and everything from hard-plastics, soft-plastics, burnable garbage, un-burnable garbage, tin cans, plastic bottles, glass bottles, paper, and cardboard must sorted and separated. While the sorting is a pain in the neck, the pick up days for some recycling items are only once a month, so if you miss it, then you have a load of rubbish cluttering up your place for yet another month.

Funny tubby Japanese guy that comes to all of my schools for unknown reason: Yes, there is this funny guy who I have seen at all of my schools at random days and times. You would probably laugh out loud at the way this guy acts. He takes the formal polite Japanese workplace etiquette to the absolute extreme, and on any given occasion can be found literally grovelling on the floor asking teachers to fill out some form, or some other seemingly small request. It is quite entertaining to watch actually, and the teachers do not seem put off by his act.

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